Saturday, February 9, 2013

How it all Started Uncle Earl and Uncle Samual

Many people have asked me how this all started. How did all this brilliant insight come about. It all started with my Great, Great Uncle Earl, his wife Lucy, Great, Great Uncle Samual and his wife Running Bare. All my family looked up to them. We try to emulate them and pass there wisdom on generation after generation. They were never afraid to standup for what was right. Defenders of liberty and true believers in gun rights for all.
.......................From left to right, Uncle Earl his wife Lucy, Uncle Samual his wife Running Bare.................. It's sad how people used Uncle Earl's wit and wisdom. He was out one day, hunting in below zero weather. Came home and Lucy asked him for his rifle and that we have a guest. Uncle Earl said, "You can have my rifle when you pry it from my cold, dead hands." The guest was from the NRA, took the phrase, changed just one word and the rest is history. Uncle Earl was never bitter about it. He just wanted a little god damn recognition, is that to much to ask for! Is it? Well, that's just one of many stories from my proud family heritage. Please keep your rifles by your side at all times. Just like my Great Great Aunts and Uncles taught us to do. Victory or death over these Zombie virus infected bastards. God bless the un-infected. Amen.

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