Sunday, September 7, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: The Walking Dead companion series gets greenlight
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: The Walking Dead companion series gets greenlight: I'm so excited I can't sleep. I did hear that the new series will not be in the Middle East because the Jihadists are scarier then t...
The Walking Dead companion series gets greenlight
Monday, August 4, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: No Peace for Israel or Hamas
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: No Peace for Israel or Hamas: I was putting old Post magazine on Ebay and came across a August 1967 article about the 7 Day War and "Has the Middle East Learned Its ...
No Peace for Israel or Hamas
I was putting old Post magazine on Ebay and came across an August 1967 article about the 6 Day War and "Has the Middle East Learned Its Lesson." Short answer "NO" It's not going to happen, 40+ years and it's still Jews and Arabs killing each other. Here's the number one reason IMO why. In Hamas' Charter: Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it. Meaning kill all Jews. Not much room for negotiating if you're an Israeli. So this will go on, and on and on. Until Arabs say Israel as a right to exist, yea that's going to happen.

Friday, July 18, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Jihadists stone Syria woman to death for adultery....
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Jihadists stone Syria woman to death for adultery....: Nothing that I know of. The Islamic State carried out its first sentence of death by stoning against a woman in Tabaqa, accusing her of adul...
Jihadists stone Syria woman to death for adultery.....What did they do to the man?
Nothing that I know of. The Islamic State carried out its first sentence of death by stoning against a woman in Tabaqa, accusing her of adultery," said the Britain-based Observatory, referring to a town in Raqa province, most of which is under Islamic State control. I hate to say, but this is part of the Zombie Apocalypse, minds with no reason. Please keep your AK-47 with the rainbow clip by your side at all times.

Fascism, political or religious can not be tolerated in a civilized society

Thursday, July 10, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Go Solar, terrorists seized nuclear materials in I...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Go Solar, terrorists seized nuclear materials in I...: I don't want to go off on a rant, but I have no worries of terrorists seizing solar panels. Think of damage that nuclear materials and o...
Go Solar, terrorists seized nuclear materials in Iraq
I don't want to go off on a rant, but I have no worries of terrorists seizing solar panels. Think of damage that nuclear materials and or waste can do in the hands of terrorists or just incompetent people. And we have more insane headlines about the dangers of nuclear power: Hamas terrorists launched three powerful rockets at an Israeli nuclear power plant on Wednesday. Fukushima Nuclear Plant in danger of meltdown. It's still leaking radioactive waste. Here's a few very promising headlines on solar power: India plans to build the world's largest floating solar farm, Rooftop solar power is making coal obsolete in Australia. Go green.

Friday, June 6, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Just released Taliban commander states he will fig...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Just released Taliban commander states he will fig...: This is one of the guys traded for our last POW over there [Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl]. After arriving in Qatar, Noorullah Noori kept insisting he ...
Just released Taliban commander states he will fight American forces in Afghanistan
This is one of the guys traded for our last POW over there [Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl]. After arriving in Qatar, Noorullah Noori kept insisting he would go to Afghanistan and fight American forces there,” the commander told NBC News. Why are our soldiers still over there, Osama Bin Laden is dead, over three years now. We should always have people finding and killing Taliban [like Noori], it just shouldn't be men dressed in American uniforms. All the American soldiers are sitting ducks over there. The Taliban have no uniforms. Note that many of our soldiers have been killed by people we have trained. Leave now.

Saturday, May 31, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Irainians Arrested for their vulgar display dancin...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Irainians Arrested for their vulgar display dancin...: Man, I watched that video and can say living under religious and political fascism, cost you a lot. They all lost there groove. The video wa...
Irainians Arrested for their vulgar display dancing to Pharrell Williams Happy, it was terrible not vulgar
Man, I watched that video and can say living under religious and political fascism, cost you a lot. They all lost there groove. The video was terrible. Please, let the people dance so they can get there groove back. Amen

Hey Irainian youth, shoot for moving like Elvis and be happy if you're moving like a young John Mellencamp.

Friday, May 16, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Haven't I Been Telling You the Zombie Apocalypse i...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Haven't I Been Telling You the Zombie Apocalypse i...: Incredibly, the Defense Department has a response if zombies attacked and the armed forces had to eradicate flesh-eating walkers in order to...
Haven't I Been Telling You the Zombie Apocalypse is Near: CONOP 8888 is the Defense Department response for Zombie Apocalypse
Incredibly, the Defense Department has a response if zombies attacked and the armed forces had to eradicate flesh-eating walkers in order to "preserve the sanctity of human life" among all the "non-zombie humans."
Buried on the military's secret computer network is an unclassified document, obtained by Foreign Policy, called "CONOP 8888." It's a zombie survival plan, a how-to guide for military planners trying to isolate the threat from a menu of the undead -- from chicken zombies to vegetarian zombies and even "evil magic zombies" -- and destroy them.
People! I've been says this for years. Always have your AK-47 with the rainbow clip by your side 24/7. Don't you feel safer knowing the Defense Department has a survival plan?!?!?!?!?!

Sunday, May 11, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Brigitte Bardot Prosecuted Fives Time in Ten Years...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Brigitte Bardot Prosecuted Fives Time in Ten Years...: I loved Brigitte Bardot as a boy. Watching her in the movies. She was in her day, one of the most beautiful woman in the world. She's 79...
Brigitte Bardot Prosecuted Fives Time in Ten Years for Speaking the Truth in France
I loved Brigitte Bardot as a boy. Watching her in the movies. She was in her day, one of the most beautiful woman in the world. She's 79 olds years, beauty gone, but not afraid to speak your mind. This is what Brigitte Bardot said in France to get prosecuted in 2004. She was tired of being “under the thumb of the population which is destroying us, destroying our country, and imposing its habits,” referring to the Muslim population in France. I hope to never lose our freedom of speech in the USA. Once we do, fascism is just around the corner. Still love you Brigitte.

Sunday, May 4, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Ignore the Retirement Alarmists: $1 Million Is Mor...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Ignore the Retirement Alarmists: $1 Million Is Mor...: WOW! Brian Stoffel for Motley Fool says $1 million is enough to retire on. Well with my pass 50 year record of savings and brilliant investm...
Ignore the Retirement Alarmists: $1 Million Is More Than Enough for Most American Retirees, I think I'm going to ignore you to
WOW! Brian Stoffel for Motley Fool says $1 million is enough to retire on. Well with my pass 50 year record of savings and brilliant investment skills, I only have 476 years and 3 months till I can retire....... You know I think I'll learn to live on a lot less [a lot, lot less].
Thursday, May 1, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Iran Mother shows mercy for Son's killer
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Iran Mother shows mercy for Son's killer: Her son's killer stood on a chair on the gallows, his hands shackled, the noose around his neck. Hundreds crowded outside the jailhouse ...
Iran Mother shows mercy for Son's killer
Her son's killer stood on a chair on the gallows, his hands shackled, the noose around his neck. Hundreds crowded outside the jailhouse in a northern Iranian town to see if the mother, Samereh Alinejad, would exercise her right to kick the chair out from under him to let him hang. She did not kick the chair out. She slapped him and removed the noose. With that move his death sentence had been commuted. I have to say I'm impressed by that law and the act of the mother. Forgiveness. I don't know if I could have done that. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Syrian rebels get 20 TOW anti-tank missles
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Syrian rebels get 20 TOW anti-tank missles: Syrian rebels fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad for the first time received at least 20 US-made TOW anti-tank missiles from a &qu...
Syrian rebels get 20 TOW anti-tank missles

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Michael C. Ruppert is dead, investigative journali...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Michael C. Ruppert is dead, investigative journali...: Former LAPD narcotics investigator Michael C. Ruppert -- best known as an investigative journalist and peak oil awareness advocate -- is dea...
Michael C. Ruppert is dead, investigative journalist, who found evidence that CIA was involved in drug dealing, from possible suicide........ right
Former LAPD narcotics investigator Michael C. Ruppert -- best known as an investigative journalist and peak oil awareness advocate -- is dead. While details are sketchy, various sources and his Facebook page say that he committed suicide.
He was 63 years old.
In the mid-1990s, Ruppert worked as an LAPD narcotics investigator, before he experienced, first hand, government corruption. He uncovered evidence that pointed to the CIA being involved in drug dealing... and would publicly confront agency director John Deutch during a town hall meeting. Deutch did not handle the confrontation very well... and was ultimately terminated from the CIA as a result.
..........................I will miss him. Rest in peace.

Thursday, April 3, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Add UPS to the list of Corporate Fascists
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Add UPS to the list of Corporate Fascists: UPS, one of the world's largest shipping and logistics companies, has decided to fire 250 workers who staged a 90-minute protest in Febr...
Add UPS to the list of Corporate Fascists
UPS, one of the world's largest shipping and logistics companies, has decided to fire 250 workers who staged a 90-minute protest in February. The protest was organized after a long-time employee was fired over an hours dispute.
Twenty of the workers were notified of their dismissal on Monday. The remaining 230 were told they would be fired as soon as replacements are trained. Read that again, the offence was so bad, UPS can wait to retrain drives so there bottom line will not be hurt. I've added UPS to my list of fascists companies I will not support. Yea, UPS has every right to fire the workers and I have every right not to support the company. My 15+ years of boycotting McDonalds has not hurt them much, but it's makes me feel great knowing those corporate fascist bastards are not getting any of my money. That's my opinion, I could be wrong but I doubt it. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: COMPANIES ARE NOT CHURCHES AND MUST CONFORM TO MOD...: Many church leaders are noting but hucksters and are very good at getting your money. That is why MY New Religion never asks for money. The ...
Many church leaders are nothing but hucksters and are very good at getting your money. That is why MY New Religion never asks for money. The only two tenets of my new religion are, first, please just leave me alone, I don't want to hear your nonsense, about what you believe, about the unknowable. The second is the golden rule, "one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself." I did add the 4 agreements because people said it can't be that easy,[yea it's that easy] so I added the 4 agreements to give the masses more to think about. ............................... The Four Agreements are: ........................................................................................................................................................ 1. Be Impeccable with your Word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love......2. Don’t Take Anything Personally: Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering..... 3. Don’t Make Assumptions: Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life..... 4. Always Do Your Best: Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.......................................................................................................

I could have three pages with pics of religious hucksters. Just hit a few of the biggest, they own vitamin companies, TV stations, parks, rare art worth billions, banks, all tax exempt and that's bullsh*t. I wish Jimmy Swaggart when he was on TV giving his phoney forgive me Lord for I have sinned speech [he was caught with a prostitute in New Orleans] he should have said "Forgive me Lord for I give sinned, but the pussy was just soooo good." At least I would have believed him. Well that's my opinion, I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

Saturday, March 29, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Steven Seagal douchbag
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Steven Seagal douchbag: Steven Seagal has expressed his support for Russian President Vladimir Putin over his actions in Crimea. The action movie star called Putin...
Steven Seagal douchbag
Steven Seagal has expressed his support for Russian President Vladimir Putin over his actions in Crimea.
The action movie star called Putin “one of the great living world leaders” in a lengthy interview with Russia’s state-run newspaper Rossiskaya Gazeta from the set of a film he is shooting in Romania.
I did a blog on Steven Seagal on 2/10/13 check it out. He's a douchbag.

Friday, March 14, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Obamacare is against free markets and religious be...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Obamacare is against free markets and religious be...: I just don't think the government knows best. If they do, it's my right not to follow. Obamacare should not be forced on the masses....
Obamacare is against free markets and religious believes of many
I just don't think the government knows best. If they do, it's my right not to follow. Obamacare should not be forced on the masses. I wrote my Senator Sherrod Brown, about Obamacare, alone with a better idea for health care. Will it change anything. Hell! No!. But I feel better. I'm reposting My New Relgion. The response has been overwhelming. It's been heartwarming. The only two tenets of the new religion are, first, please just leave me alone, I don't want to hear your nonsense, about what you believe, about the unknowable. The second is the golden rule, "one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself." I did add the 4 agreements because people said it can't be that easy,[yea it's that easy] so I added the 4 agreements to give the masses more to think about. ............................... The Four Agreements are: ........................................................................................................................................................ 1. Be Impeccable with your Word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love......2. Don’t Take Anything Personally: Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering..... 3. Don’t Make Assumptions: Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life..... 4. Always Do Your Best: Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 

Thursday, March 13, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: "I never leave home without it " Daryl from Walkin...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: "I never leave home without it " Daryl from Walkin...: ............................................................. Daryl is ready. God bless you Daryl Together we'll kill all those zombie b...
"I never leave home without it " Daryl from Walking Dead Ready For the Real Zombie Apocalypse
Monday, March 3, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Walking Dead Writer's missed a Great Story Line wi...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Walking Dead Writer's missed a Great Story Line wi...: ....................................................Instead of the boring same old, same old, Beth looking for a drink and killing a few zom...
Walking Dead Writer's missed a Great Story Line with Daryl and Beth

Friday, February 28, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: They're Here! Dead Man Wakes Up in U.S. Funeral ...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: There Are Here! Dead Man Wakes Up in U.S. Funeral ...: A 78-year-old American man who was declared dead and taken to a funeral home dramatically woke up as he was about to be embalmed, US media r...
They're Here! Dead Man Wakes Up in U.S. Funeral Home
A 78-year-old American man who was declared dead and taken to a funeral home dramatically woke up as he was about to be embalmed, US media reported Friday.
Walter Williams was registered dead on Wednesday evening after medics failed to find his pulse. He was transported to the Porters and Sons Funeral Home in Lexington, Mississippi.
However, a few hours later when workers were about to prepare his corpse they noticed Williams moving in his body bag. Can we all say the zombies are here. The 78 year old man's Grandson was over joyed, see pic.
We must remain calm. Please keep your AK-47 with the rainbow clip by your side 24-7.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Zombies in Arizona passed anti-gay law which would...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Zombies in Arizona passed anti-gay law which would...: It's amazing how many Zombies are out there. It stated that the Governor will likely veto anti-gay law, she has to think about it? The r...
Zombies in Arizona passed anti-gay law which would allow business owners to deny services to customers
It's amazing how many Zombies are out there. It stated that the Governor will likely veto anti-gay law, she has to think about it? The religious liberty line should be drawn where it always has been: You're free, if you wish, to discriminate in the service of God, but not in the service of mammon........................................................................................................ 
I have to say, if people would just follow
"My New Religion" we wouldn't have so many Zombies, it has only two tenets. The first is, please just leave me alone, I don't want to hear your nonsense, about what you believe, about the unknowable. The second and last, is the golden rule, "one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself."

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: McDonald's sucks, nothing but corporate fascists
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: McDonald's sucks, nothing but corporate fascists: McDonald’s fired an employee, a hard working gal who has worked there for 8 years. What did she do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She paid, out of her own ...
McDonald's sucks, nothing but corporate fascists
McDonald’s fired an employee, a hard working gal who has worked there for 8 years. What did she do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She paid, out of her own pocket, to feed firefighters who just got done fighting a house fire. McDonald's stated she was fired because she swore at the Superior. She denied this stating she told Superior "this is freaking ridiculous." Which IMO was a very good analysis of what McDonalds did. I've been boycotting McDonalds for 16 years, never eat there, only go in to use the bathroom, [many jokes I could made with that line but I won't] Why the boycott, because 16 years ago my Dad was working there [he was retired working for extra money] he was almost fired, because it took him to long to unload a truck. He was 10 mins over the limit, at 70 I think that's pretty damn good. McDonald's are fascists, plain and simple. This story makes me very happy, that I've never eaten there for 16 years and I will be even happier next time I go in to use there bathroom. I hope Heather Levia [she's the gal fired] finds a job were her hard work and common sense is rewarded..................................................... corporate fascists
Thursday, February 13, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Suicide Bomb Trainer in Iraq Accidentally Blows Up...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Suicide Bomb Trainer in Iraq Accidentally Blows Up...: That's just beautiful. In what represented a cautionary tale for terrorist teachers, and a cause of dark humor for ordinary Iraqis, a co...
Suicide Bomb Trainer in Iraq Accidentally Blows Up His Class
That's just beautiful. In what represented a cautionary tale for terrorist teachers, and a cause of dark humor for ordinary Iraqis, a commander at a secluded terrorist training camp north of Baghdad unwittingly used a belt packed with explosives while conducting a demonstration early Monday for a group of militants, killing himself and 21 other members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, army and police officials said........

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