UPS, one of the world's largest shipping and logistics companies, has decided to fire 250 workers who staged a 90-minute protest in February. The protest was organized after a long-time employee was fired over an hours dispute.
Twenty of the workers were notified of their dismissal on Monday. The remaining 230 were told they would be fired as soon as replacements are trained. Read that again, the offence was so bad, UPS can wait to retrain drives so there bottom line will not be hurt. I've added UPS to my list of fascists companies I will not support. Yea, UPS has every right to fire the workers and I have every right not to support the company. My 15+ years of boycotting McDonalds has not hurt them much, but it's makes me feel great knowing those corporate fascist bastards are not getting any of my money. That's my opinion, I could be wrong but I doubt it.

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