That $1 billion would pay for 80,000+ families medical insurance for a year. My I for Obamacare, no. Spending $1 billion on some thing that's not started and may not start for awhile, is crazy. What should we do? Repeal Obamacare, pass laws that everyone can get insurance at group rates, people can have medical savings accounts that can be carried over years after year if not used,[because you live a healthy life style]. The medical savings account can be used as leverage to keep the insurance payments low. Will any of this happen, most likely not. Why, because insurance companies, are a business. They only want to take your money [and only survive if they do], if you're health, they love you, if you get sick, they don't want you [and will use all there power to pay out as little as possible]. That's why we have medicare, no insurance wants a 80 year old person, these is no money to be made. Well it's clear the Zombies have more money then they know what to do with.
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