Well those crazy Islamic radicals, are at it again, cutting non-believers [infidels]

heads off. Islam is insane, period, no question about it. [next is a repeat from my blog dated May 13, 2013] I'm going go start a new religion, [yea! that will fix everything]. The first rule of the religion is, please just leave me alone, I don't want to hear your nonsense, about what you believe, about the unknowable. The second and last rule is the golden rule,"One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself." That's it people the new religion that will save us all. I already have an angel watching over me. Can we all say AMEN. Also if your God says it's ok to behead people just because they are not of your religion, he's mostly like a homicidal maniac, not God. No religion should ask you to give up your ability to think and reason for yourself. Let's hear an AMEN again brothers and sisters.
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