
A family traveling from Denver to Baltimore on United claims that their flight was diverted by the captain because the parents requested that the in-flight movie, "Alex Cross," be turned off.
The parents, thus far unnamed, wrote a letter to The Atlantic about the incident. According to the letter, after the flight took off, the flight crew lowered the TV screens and began playing the PG-13-rated cop thriller starring Tyler Perry.
The parents, whose children are 4 and 8, believed the film to be too violent for their kids. "Alarmed by the opening scenes, we asked two flight attendants if they could turn off the monitor; both claimed it was not possible" and would be a nuisance to the people behind them. What is so unbelievable about this is that the Captain diverted their flight and police were waiting for the family when they landed. It's unfortunate that passenger 57 was not on board, he would have straightened it out fast. Wesley Snipes was just getting out of federal prison. Hey! Wesley pay your taxes! We need you! You are the greatest Zombie [vampires I know] killer out there and we need you out there. The madness just keeps coming, we must stay strong against these Zombie bastards. Amen.
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