Thursday, February 28, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Rape victim', 15, sentenced to 100 lashes in the M...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Rape victim', 15, sentenced to 100 lashes in the M...: A spokesman for President Mohamed Waheed stated. She is not going to be lashed to cause her pain, rather it is for her to feel the shame for...
Rape victim', 15, sentenced to 100 lashes in the Maldives
A spokesman for President Mohamed Waheed stated. She is not going to be lashed to cause her pain, rather it is for her to feel the shame for having engaged in activity forbidden by the religion. I'm gald he cleared that up I was getting worried. Unfortunately the changing to a different religion is a crime and carries the death penalty. Can you see the beauty of atheism. My dear Cousin Jasmine, never worries about rape................................................
..I said not to night....OK!
Please keep your AK47 with the rainbow clip at your side 24/7. This madness is the Zombie virus working its hideous plan for our demise.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: The Prayer
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: The Prayer: I was at a true believers home and the mother asked if I would like to help tuck the children in. "Sure" I said. Well, they all s...
The Prayer
I was at a true believers home and the mother asked if I would like to help tuck the children in. "Sure" I said.
Well, they all said this prayer in unison: Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If the Zombies come into this place. Our AK47s with the raindow clip. Will lay the bastards to waste. Amen. I was moved to tears. Please say a prayer for the un-infected.

Monday, February 25, 2013
Send Me an Angel for Zombie Apocalypse
Sunday, February 24, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Our Simian Friends Get It and are Training
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Our Simian Friends Get It and are Training: With the Simians as our ally we have a chance against the Zombie hoards Please keep your AK47 with the rainbow magazine at your side 24/7. ...
Our Simian Friends Get It and are Training
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Are The Zombies Running the Show?
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Are The Zombies Running the Show?: Even the lower primates are feeling the need to arm himselves against those Zombie bastards. He was trying to sell 30 round clips which in 1...
Are The Zombies Running the Show?
Even the lower primates are feeling the need to arm himselves against those Zombie bastards.
He was trying to sell 30 round clips which in 1994 became illegal in New York state. We need the clips for the Zombie Apocalypse, enough said.

Some how I don't feel safer looking at that picture. Please keep fighting the good fight. The Zombies can't win.

Saturday, February 23, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: I Had a Dream
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: I Had a Dream: And this is what I saw. People everywhere carrying an AK47[or rifle] it sent chills up and down my spine. All of us standing together again...
I Had a Dream
Friday, February 22, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: AK47s the Weapon of Choice for Zombie Apocalypse
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: AK47s the Weapon of Choice for Zombie Apocalypse: Here we have a group photo of the Northeast Ohio Lesbian Nudists Against Zombies. We welcome all in this fight to save humanity...............
AK47s the Weapon of Choice for Zombie Apocalypse

My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: All Across The World, We Stand United Against the ...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: All Across The World, We Stand United Against the ...: People are taking my warning serious. All across the world people are carrying weapons to stop the Zombies. Note that even at a wedding the...
All Across The World, We Stand United Against the Zombie Apocalypse
Thursday, February 21, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Don't End up Like the 3 Sisters in India, Be Ready...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Don't End up Like the 3 Sisters in India, Be Ready...: ......................... Three sisters were raped, killed and dumped in a well in India on Valentine's Day. The women and girls pics above ...
Don't End up Like the 3 Sisters in India, Be Ready


Wednesday, February 20, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: People Have Many Ways to Kill the Zombie Bastards
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: People Have Many Ways to Kill the Zombie Bastards: This car will clear the road of Zombies What a brilliant idea, but you will have to wear face shield. People are thinking up all kind of w...
People Have Many Ways to Kill the Zombie Bastards
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Alleged Murder Pistorius had Unlicensed .38 Ammo, ...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Alleged Murder Pistorius had Unlicensed .38 Ammo, ...: My GOD! If only he had licensed .38 ammunition his dear girlfriend would be alive today. Why is this a story? The only reason the government...
Alleged Murder Pistorius had Unlicensed .38 Ammo, Oh MY GOD

Tuesday, February 19, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Zombie Virus Hard at Work in Schools
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Zombie Virus Hard at Work in Schools: Waiting in line for the bus, a Pennsylvania kindergartener tells her pals she's going to shoot them with a Hello Kitty toy that makes soap b...
Zombie Virus Hard at Work in Schools

My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Zombie Apocalypse the word spreads and gun & ammo ...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Zombie Apocalypse the word spreads and gun & ammo ...: The word is getting out. If you wait much longer I fear you will be paying 3 times the normal price. That's if you can find any. Remember, ...
Zombie Apocalypse the word spreads and gun & ammo prices sky rocket

Monday, February 18, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Women Ready to Kill those Zombie
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Women Ready to Kill those Zombie: Dad's little girls are ready. It's so easy. Please be ready. Without the AK47 by your side 24/7 we will be over run by those Zombie bastard...
Women Ready to Kill those Zombie
Sunday, February 17, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Friends and Family pose for the coming of the Zomb...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Friends and Family pose for the coming of the Zomb...: ................................................................................Young, old, male, female, all are ready to kill all those Zo...
Friends and Family pose for the coming of the Zombie Apocalypse
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: A Look at my Family's Home, Fight the Zombies
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: A Look at my Family's Home, Fight the Zombies: If you don't have air cover, you don't have sh*t. ...............................................................The family room. ............
A Look at my Family's Home, Fight the Zombies
If you don't have air cover, you don't have sh*t.
...............................................................The family room.
.............................................................A typical meal, we take the Zombie Apocalypse very seriuosly. With all the madness around, it's hard to know who's infected and who's not. That's why it's important to have your AK47 with the rainbow magazine at your side at all times. Say a prayer for the un-infected. Amen.

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