Friday, May 8, 2015
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: I'm Back, Ready for Zombie Apocalypse
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: I'm Back, Ready for Zombie Apocalypse: I've been away to long. Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse, full time. Stocking up on food, AK-47s and for our 30th wedding anniversary...
I'm Back, Ready for Zombie Apocalypse
I've been away to long. Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse, full time. Stocking up on food, AK-47s and for our 30th wedding anniversary, we got his and her Zombie Camo Hunting Knifes. We were touched by our friend's kindness. Can we all say AMEN. Also the rise of ISIS, if your God says it's ok to behead people just because they are not of your religion, he's mostly like a homicidal maniac, not God. No religion should ask you to give up your ability to think and reason for yourself. Let's hear an AMEN again brothers and sisters. We must keep training. This zombie madness can only be stopped by the strong, the smart and the prepared. Without the AK47 by your side 24/7 we will be over run by those Zombie bastards. Say a prayer for the un-infected

Wednesday, March 11, 2015
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: After big drop Tuesday close down just a little To...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: After big drop Tuesday close down just a little To...: BIIB was good to me, at least in the AM bought 10 Apr 17, $152 Calls at $16.95 and sold at $18.10. Noted BIIB down at the close bought [for ...
After big drop Tuesday close down just a little Today
BIIB was good to me, at least in the AM bought 10 Apr 17, $152 Calls at $16.95 and sold at $18.10. Noted BIIB down at the close bought [for a gamble] 10 Mar 13 $410 Calls at $3.40 and 5 Mar 13 $412.50 Call at $2.50. Only need $3 up and will make some good money. Have 13 BIIB Calls for Apr 17 $415 and $420, feel that they will be in the money. Still have 110 CSCO Calls and 40 PCRX Apr 17 $100 Calls and 15 NDLS May $20 Calls not feeling good about this, will sell 5 at a time maybe one a week. IBB closed at $342.54 with a range of $339.67 to $344.08. All in all the bio tech held up well. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: IBB higher big bet on FOSL
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: IBB higher big bet on FOSL: Well it was a bad day again did the same dumb thing again bought 20 FOSL Mar 14, 2015 $85 Calls to start, should have been 5 then 10 and the...
IBB higher big bet on FOSL
Well it was a bad day again did the same dumb thing again bought 20 FOSL Mar 14, 2015 $85 Calls to start, should have been 5 then 10 and then 10 or 20 more. But no I did 20, 20, 20, and the 41 for an avg. of $1.896. FOSL close at $83.69 and I need around $84.50 to sell at $2.00. Hope for a $1 or $2 pop at open tomorrow and will sell all. IBB had a good run up, I missed, it was out. Sold the last 3 of my Mar 7 $330 calls at $6 was in at $10.10 lost a lot. Still have 4 IBB Jan 16, 2016 $360 Calls, that's my long hold. IBB close at $329.42 with a range of $324.58 to $329.42. Closed at it's high a good sign. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Muslims will never get its head out of its ass
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Muslims will never get its head out of its ass: Because if they do, the terrorists will cut it off. So what is the answer, ................................,,,,,,,, kill all the terrorists...
Muslims will never get its head out of its ass
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