Friday, January 31, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Zombie bees, It's more hideous then we can imagine...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Zombie bees, It's more hideous then we can imagine...: Mutant "zombie bees" that act like the ghoulish creatures of horror films have surfaced in the Northeast after first appearing on ...
Zombie bees, It's more hideous then we can imagine!
Mutant "zombie bees" that act like the ghoulish creatures of horror films have surfaced in the Northeast after first appearing on the West Coast, a bee expert told ABC News on Wednesday. They fly around in a disoriented way, get attracted to light, and then fall down and wander around in a way that's sort of reminiscent of zombies in the movies," Hafernik said. "Sometimes we've taken to calling [it], when they leave their hives, 'the flight of the living dead.'" We must not give up. The poor honey bee is falling to the zombie virus. Along with are AK-47 with the rainbow clip, we must now have a case Raid at our side at all times. These are desperate times. Keep the fate till the battle is won. God bless the un-infected. Amen!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Obama's Speech, the message is clear, Everything's...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Obama's Speech, the message is clear, Everything's...: I watch a little of Obama's speech, had to, so much blog material to mine there. It was just like the song, Obama telling us all, Try n...
Obama's Speech, the message is clear, Everything's alright, yes everything's fine and the Government will take care of you tonight, so close your eyes and sleep well tonight
I watch a little of Obama's speech, had to, so much blog material to mine there. It was just like the song, Obama telling us all, Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to
Problems that upset you, oh.
Don't you know
Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine.
And we want you to sleep well tonight, close eyes, Let the world turn without you tonight.
If we try, we'll get by, so forget all about the national debt tonight.
I took a little poetic license there.

Saturday, January 25, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Obama's State of the Union address may read "The C...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Obama's State of the Union address may read "The C...: Rumor has it that Obama will push hard for legalizing marijuana in his State of the Union address. The reason is clear, we're all going ...
Obama's State of the Union address may read "The Country as gone to Pot"
Rumor has it that Obama will push hard for legalizing marijuana in his State of the Union address. The reason is clear, we're all going to have to be stone to ride out the next three years. A large hamburger franchise already has a logo and sign up and ready to go....................................................................................

Friday, January 24, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Nobody Knows Where Love Goes Captain and Tennille ...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Nobody Knows Where Love Goes Captain and Tennille ...: Love Will Keep Us Together the big hit by Captain and Tennille are getting a divorce after 39 years of marriage. I guess Nobody Knows Where ...
Nobody Knows Where Love Goes Captain and Tennille Getting a Divorce
Love Will Keep Us Together the big hit by Captain and Tennille are getting a divorce after 39 years of marriage. I guess Nobody Knows Where Love Goes ................................
On a different matter. My "Obama on pot" blog got 169 pageviews I average about 20 per blog. Paste this on youtube search for the video Nobody Knows Where Love Goes

Sunday, January 19, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Obama on pot: 'I don't think it is more dangerous ...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Obama on pot: 'I don't think it is more dangerous ...: I hate to disagree with Obama, but alcohol kills 100 times more people then pot. I'm Mr. Natural I don't do any drugs, but that'...
Obama on pot: 'I don't think it is more dangerous than alcohol'... bullsh*t
I hate to disagree with Obama, but alcohol kills 100 times more people then pot. I'm Mr. Natural I don't do any drugs, but that's just me. Here's what going to happen more, with people smoking pot. This was a headline. "Obamacare Might Be the Best-Managed New Social Program in 80 Years." Now the person that wrote that is on some thing. Or the last 80 years of social programs have been a total disasters. I've been talking to my friend at the CDC and he states most world leaders smoke pot. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 

Thursday, January 16, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Ernest Hemingway was a believer in Zombie Apocalyp...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Ernest Hemingway was a believer in Zombie Apocalyp...: Yes he was! Check out this pic of him on a boat. He was ready for those Zombie bastards. Keep your AK-47 with the rainbow clip by our side a...
Ernest Hemingway was a believer in Zombie Apocalypse
Yes he was! Check out this pic of him on a boat. He was ready for those Zombie bastards. Keep your AK-47 with the rainbow clip by our side at all times. Hemingway also used the gun for fishing. He used it on sharks......................................................................................

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Mexican Government tells vigilante groups to give ...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Mexican Government tells vigilante groups to give ...: Mexican soldiers met fierce resistance on Tuesday as they began disarming vigilante groups that have been fighting drug gangs in the agricul...
Mexican Government tells vigilante groups to give up there weapons, they will fight the drug gangs.
Mexican soldiers met fierce resistance on Tuesday as they began disarming vigilante groups that have been fighting drug gangs in the agricultural lowlands of the western state of Michoacán. Guess what Mexican Government if you were doing your job [protecting the people]the vigilantes wouldn't need there guns. Lets say they do give up there guns, the Army leaves and it's pay back time for the drug gangs. I would bet money that the drug lords are behind the Government forcing the vigilantes to give up there guns. That's just my opinion and I could be wrong but I doubt it. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: The Madness Never Ends, Syrian rebel factions batt...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: The Madness Never Ends, Syrian rebel factions batt...: Syrian rebel factions battled fighters from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) across north-west Syria on Saturday in the heav...
The Madness Never Ends, Syrian rebel factions battle al Qaeda linked group
Syrian rebel factions battled fighters from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) across north-west Syria on Saturday in the heaviest clashes between President Bashar al-Assad's opponents in nearly three years of conflict, activists said.
The apparently coordinated strikes against the ISIL come after months of increasing resentment of the powerful al Qaeda-linked group, whose radical foreign jihadis and have alienated many ordinary Syrians in rebel-held territory.
This made my day, the believers in the religion of peace, killing each other. It's almost enough to make me a theists. But I'll stick to deism.

Thursday, January 2, 2014
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Decriminalize drugs
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Decriminalize drugs: Check out the line in Pueblo West, Colo. the store selling legal marijuana. No cops, no drug lords, not gun battles. By decriminalizing drug...
Decriminalize drugs
Check out the line in Pueblo West, Colo. the store selling legal marijuana. No cops, no drug lords, not gun battles. By decriminalizing drugs you would take the huge profit out of it. With no huge profit, the people in the illegal drug trade would be looking for real jobs. It would save lives and money............................................................................................... 

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