Friday, May 24, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Not Preachers, Madmen, There Followers Zombies ex....
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Not Preachers, Madmen, There Followers Zombies ex....: LONDON (AP) — The slaying of a British soldier in southeast London cast a spotlight on radical preachers that influenced Michae...
Not Preachers, Madmen, There Followers Zombies ex. Michael Adebolajo

Wednesday, May 22, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: The New Religion is spreading
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: The New Religion is spreading: Wow! I've gotten more clicks on this "I Hit a Nerve with My New Religion" then the past post below that started it all. &...
The New Religion is spreading

Sunday, May 19, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: My Great Uncle Samual always Loved the Ladies
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: My Great Uncle Samual always Loved the Ladies: Even as a baby Uncle Samual loved the ladies. Watch "my family legacy" video on youtube, my channel is Lee Novak, to learn more a...
My Great Uncle Samual always Loved the Ladies
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Zombies are gaining some self control
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Zombies are gaining some self control: A truly impressive display of self control. If the Zombies are evolving, we could be in for some trouble. So please keep your AK-47 with th...
Zombies are gaining some self control
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: I Hit a Nerve with My New Religion
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: I Hit a Nerve with My New Religion: The 5-13-2013 post, "Back to the Zombie rants Catholics and Islam" had the most clicks of any of my posts. So the new religi...
I Hit a Nerve with My New Religion

Monday, May 13, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Reply from Senator Brown: Afghan president ready t...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Reply from Senator Brown: Afghan president ready t...: /////Dear Mr. Novak:////// Thank you for getting in touch with me about the war in Afghanistan. After a decade of heroic efforts by...
Reply from Senator Brown: Afghan president ready to let US have 9 bases, MADNESS simply MADNESS, Zombie policy!

My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Back to the Zombie rants, Catholics and Islam, CAN...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Back to the Zombie rants, Catholics and Islam, CAN...: ROME -- Pope Francis canonized more than 800 Catholics in Saint Peter’s Square Sunday – the largest number to be elevated to sainthood...
Back to the Zombie rants, Catholics and Islam, CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG! 800 New Saint, Saudi Arabia lashes for two men for converting a woman to Christianity
ROME -- Pope Francis canonized more than 800 Catholics in Saint Peter’s Square Sunday – the largest number to be elevated to sainthood at once in the history of the Catholic Church.
The choice of some of the new saints was also striking, touching on the already-fragile relationship between Christianity and Islam.
The new saints included hundreds of laymen from the southern Italian port town of Otranto who were slain in the 15th century by the invading Ottoman Turkish army after they refused to convert to Islam.
In 1480, after conquering Constantinople – modern day Istanbul - the Ottoman Sultan Mohammed II planned to invade Rome, and Otranto became his army’s port of entrance into Italy.
The local population fought back in a week-long siege, putting up a brave but hopeless resistance. When Ottoman soldiers finally overrun the town, they were ordered to kill every man over the age of 15 who refused to convert to Islam.
More than 800 resisted, locking themselves up into the town’s Cathedral. Their ringleader, local shoemaker Antonio Primaldo, was first to be beheaded. According to local legend, his headless body remained standing until the last of his fellow townspeople was kill. Yea right!//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
A court is Saudi Arabia has sentenced two men to lashes and prison terms for converting a woman to Christianity.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////All religions are nonsense IMO. Islam is insane, period, no question about it. I'm going go start a new religion, [yea! that will fix everything]. The first rule of the religion is, please just leave me alone, I don't want to hear your nonsense, about what you believe, about the unknowable. The second and last rule is the golden rule,"One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself." That's it people the new religion that will save us all. I already have an angel watching over me. Can we all say AMEN!!!

Saturday, May 11, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: I Just Love There Eyes
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: I Just Love There Eyes: No Zombie rant tonight. I was just looking at a few of my pics and just love there eyes. Everyone say, Amen!
I Just Love There Eyes
Thursday, May 9, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Afghan president ready to let US have 9 bases, MAD...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: Afghan president ready to let US have 9 bases, MAD...: Afghan president ready to let US have 9 bases. Why do we need 9 targets that fanatics will use to kill our soldiers. Leave! We won! [not tha...
Afghan president ready to let US have 9 bases, MADNESS simply MADNESS, Zombie policy!
Afghan president ready to let US have 9 bases. Why do we need 9 targets that fanatics will use to kill our soldiers. Leave! We won! [not that there was any thing to win] This is just zombie madness from infected politician. We, the average, middle class Americans will pay for this madness in lives of our young soldiers and the never ending mounting debt we will all have to pay one day. I will email my politician and say, just leave. Amen!

Sunday, May 5, 2013
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: The Zombies want to take all the risk and pleasure...
My Family's Proud Gun Rights Heritage: The Zombies want to take all the risk and pleasure...: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////...
The Zombies want to take all the risk and pleasure out of our lives

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